Monday, March 8, 2010


Paradise Delight is in the business of creating beautiful environments for special events.

Hired just three weeks prior to the Professional Beauty Association Opening Gala, Paradise Delight was tasked to create, design and execute for trend setting beauty professionals worldwide.

By understanding the big picture, Paradise Delight was able to create a fresh, innovative and contemporary theme that reflected the true essence of our client.  (Oh yes, pictures are forthcoming!)

Also, the good news is that the proceeds would benefit Dining For Change, a non-profit organization whose focus is to make a difference in the lives of those impacted by cancer, domestic abuse and natural disasters.

It is a grassroots fundraising initiative based on a new and growing model of localized charitable work called "giving circles" - groups of individuals networked with other small groups to make a difference.   For more information, visit Dining For Change.